Can CBG Help With Thyroid Problems?

Can CBG Help with Thyroid Problems?

*Despite what you might read elsewhere on the internet, CBG has not been medically proven to prevent, treat, or cure thyroid problems. This article discusses ongoing research into the endocannabinoid system and should not be the foundation of any medical or health recommendations or diagnosis. If you have or suspect you may have thyroid problems, talk to your doctor.*

If you have thyroid disease, you might be wondering if cannabinoids like cannabigerol (CBG) can help alleviate your symptoms. The American Thyroid Association estimates that 20 million Americans have thyroid problems. Up to 60% of those aren’t aware of their condition.

People with thyroid problems either have too little (hypothyroidism) or too much (hyperthyroidism) thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism is also called underactive thyroid. It happens when your body doesn't make enough hormones to meet your needs. Treatment for hypothyroidism involves the daily use of a synthetic thyroid hormone to reverse the symptoms. 

Hyperthyroidism is also called overactive thyroid. This condition is the result of your body making too much thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone helps your body control the energy it uses and affects nearly every organ. For example, if untreated, hyperthyroidism can lead to serious problems with your muscles, heart, bones, fertility, and menstrual cycle. Treatment can lead to hypothyroidism when the gland is removed or destroyed.

How Your Endocannabinoid System Regulates Your Body

In the 1990s, researchers confirmed the presence of cannabinoid receptors. These are cell areas that bind with neurotransmitters (chemicals) to signal the cell to take action. Scientists discovered the body has two cannabinoid receptors, which they named CB1 and CB2. In other words, your body is hardwired to respond to cannabinoids through this unique receptor system. Researchers call it the endocannabinoid system

This is important because it means our body produces endogenous chemicals like cannabinoids that bind with CB1 and CB2. Scientists have discovered your body has cannabinoid receptors within your immune system, kidney, liver, lungs, brain, and more. 

Your body uses the endogenous cannabinoids it produces to stimulate cannabinoid receptors. This, in turn, helps maintain homeostasis (stability). Early research found cannabinoid receptors play an important role in pain, anxiety, bone growth, and immune function.

Currently, researchers have discovered that the CB1 receptors are found principally in the brain. They’re also found in fat tissue, the spinal cord, liver, and adrenal and thyroid glands. CB2 receptors are generally found in immune cells but may also be found within bone tissue.

CBG and Thyroid Conditions

CBG is one cannabinoid found in the Cannabis sativa plant. It's called “the mother of all cannabinoids.”  The most widely researched cannabinoids originate from CBG within the plant. These include CBG, THC, CBD, cannabinol (CBN), tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), and cannabichromene (CBC).

CBG is present in low amounts in hemp plants. It’s not intoxicating, which means it doesn’t cause the psychoactive effects of THC. In fact, evidence reveals that CBG inhibits THC binding with CB1 receptors in the brain and reduces the effects of THC.

CBG’s affinity with CB1 receptors might be responsible for some of its beneficial effects. These include a reduction in nervous and sad feelings, improvement in some digestive problems, and an improved appetite.

CB1 cannabinoid receptors play an important role in the endocrine system, including the production and release of thyroid hormone. Early animal studies showed that cannabis plants could decrease thyroid hormones. 

Because CBG is present in small amounts in the plant, researchers must isolate it to understand its benefits. The research on CBG has only just begun.  At this time, scientists are hopeful, but there is no conclusive evidence CBG helps alleviate thyroid problems. 

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